Review Yourself 4: From photo-therapy to therapeutic photo narrative

Review Yourself 4: From photo-therapy to therapeutic photo narrative

Review Yourself 4: From photo-therapy to therapeutic photo narrative 352 288 Oliviero Rossi

Review Yourself 4: From photo-therapy to therapeutic photo narrative 

The methods of image are taken not only from psychotherapy. They could be applied to different contexts: groups, workplace and with the purpose to reorganize or guide a teamwork. There are several uses, such as the possibilities to film, record and point the lens. The work application of video seems really interesting, both in work contexts and in different types of groups. Fifteen years ago, I started experiencing video techniques in group contexts, with adolescents in programs against school non- attendance. I immediately realized the power of this medium and the potential the kids could express through it. At the beginning, the video was mostly applied in vocational schools, a “borderline” area of education where group dynamics were similar to herd movements. It was interesting, because it was possible to offer them an active technique that allowed them to confront with images in an unusual  way, very different from watching TV or going to the cinema.

The comparison has become active, since it allowed them to become authors and creators of images, catalyzing group energy. How was that possible? In order to make a video, a work of interaction between all group members is necessary. This implies that all roles should be connected, complementary and mutual within the work team. All these forms offer the possibility to experience a different sociability, stimulated by a result that children feel as their own. Obviously, in order to make this happen, the operator or the video therapist must be able to activate this creative process into the group. Each participant should experience and own the creative process.  When this happens, something different from the simple “making of a video” starts. Instead, we “create a human interaction” that collects the creativity of all participants directed towards a common aim. And each time you can touch, reach and activate the creative potential of a human being, the best resources come into play.


Translation edited by dr. Daniela Abbrescia