Review Yourself 3: The self meets the “image self”. Photography as self-discovery.

Review Yourself 3: The self meets the “image self”. Photography as self-discovery.

Review Yourself 3: The self meets the “image self”. Photography as self-discovery. 1280 720 Oliviero Rossi

Review Yourself 3: The self meets the “image self”. Photography as self-discovery.

Working with personal image refers to polarity and differences between self and inner parts, and between self and others. When we look at  the picture of ourselves, polarity takes a special form. In this dialogue we can look at the “image-self”, interacting and confronting with it. It’s nice to see how this inner dialogue becomes real, through the work with video and photo therapy. Both the self that observes and the “image- self” have something to say to each other. It could be said they’re the same person, and maybe it’s true. But time changes everything, so that “image -self ” belongs to a different time from that of the person that looks at the image. And this discrepancy, maybe just temporal, causes a difference and a small gap in the relationship that needs to be filled. This void is filled with new information and different ways to use resources, or maybe simply with a different point of view. I am different from “my self” I can see in the image because I have been living for more seconds, minutes and hours than him.  We have something to talk about. In video therapy the dialogue between polarities hosts different dimensions of existing and being in a relationship, with the possibility to look differently at our image, with much more personal resources. And this is possible only through an inner dialogue, between different parts of us, and when we assume different points of view on our way of being.

Translation edited by dr. Daniela Abbrescia