SEE YOURSELF 8 – Picture story and review of family script/Fotoromanzo e copione familiare

SEE YOURSELF 8 – Picture story and review of family script/Fotoromanzo e copione familiare

SEE YOURSELF 8 – Picture story and review of family script/Fotoromanzo e copione familiare 1280 720 Oliviero Rossi

Working with images means working with creativity. It can be fun to give a container to creativity. The funny container I sometimes like to play with is the picture story. On the topic of the picture story, the variables can be many. We talk about the historical biographical picture story. We all have a certain collection of snapshots of our life inherited from parents, the drawer of the family or the family photo album with which we can play. It can be very interesting to take these photographs, take them to organize them into a narrative. This would become a family picture story. Why let the authors of the telenovelas play with family histories?
It ‘s very interesting to do this on one’s own or with the help of a photo video therapist or a psychotherapist. We can start by getting inside the lines of the plots of the family destinies or family life scripts, by taking the frames, snapshots taken from this family history, reorganizing them in different narratives. Obviously, this can be articulated in many ways. It is a work that can be done with personal family photos creating stories with various vicissitudes or different endings but in which the protagonists are those familiar people.
Alternatively, we can take a pack of 30 family pictures, also 40- 50, no matter how many, we give them to a fellow of a group, or to a friend and exchange them, and they could be returned after an operation of creative storytelling that the other will do with these images of my life.
And it’s very interesting to confront myself with the narrative possibilities of infinite destinies, of different scripts that only the eye and the creativity of another person can offer me. It’s fascinating to look at the picture story that the pieces of my life allow another person to create. It would probably give me some points of view, different possibilities, or at least a different sight, a different glimmer, to see again some aspects of my life or my life with significant people in my existence.

Translation edited by dr. Daniela Abbrescia